Says Ton: "If things had been different, untroubled, I would have been an astronomer, or cosmologist, instead of writing songs like these.
I picked 12 of them."
1 Life is a funhouse, op een houten plank zonder klankkast en zonder effecten, maar met Liesbeth... Same song: Life is a funhouse, as good as it gets for a live performance of a blues. From the early days of De Wisch. And my first performance with Stefan.
2 : Farmer John's Beautiful War. Yes to NO to TTIP/CETA.
3 Ruby / Steery Hill. This is the trailer.
4 : Greetings from your good leader , new upload. I love the sarcasm and the eery Vigilante Mary Choir performance. And Lienke's sweet voice behind mine. And the disclaimer on YouTube...
5 : Cold Man. I picked this song because of the lyrics and this kind of music :-) .
6 : Return of the Century, because of the content and the animated movie. Niet naar zo'n hemel, maar fijn weer terug naar huis! Er is ook een De Wisch versie op YouTube, opgenomen tijdens het Noorderzon festival.
7 : StarFleet Delivers Cooper Cat, (full version), because Wazam is in it!, the 'filmish' intro and because of the beautiful singing. This is one of the recordings/mixes I'm completely satisfied with.
8 The Brave stands next to me. I love the way Veronique performs this song. I still have to add one more layer, maybe a soprano sax.
9 : Dream sweet little dreams tonight, this is a really beautiful version by Liesbeth. And I always hear in my mind the big band crooner version with the heavy saxophone part in the middle. And I always imagined we would end a heavy TimeCarriers show with: "... please drive safely and now we say goodbye: dream sweet little dreams tonight..."
10 : Ruby / Steery Hill. I've written this song in 2014, with in my mind how a London street singer a few hundred years ago might would have told this story. In this version the lyrics are read in a really compelling way by Kim R. Foster, she did a great job. It makes the song even more vicious, incriminating and disturbing.
11 :Hillberry Blue. Things are often not what they seem...
12 : Er zijn verschillende versies, dit is een eenvoudige live versie: 'Sitting on the cosy porch of magical dustman George McCloud'. |